Morning lights

I always loved waking up early in the morning.
Take time to have breakfast, enjoy the silence, the calm, the sun rays filtering through the window (or, even better, the sound of the rain) are - in my opinion - the best ways to start the day.

Have you ever thought of how much beauty you exclude from your hours - ephimeral by nature - when you wake up late?

We all have to face chaos and what it brings with itself, daily: stress, anxiety, expectations to be met, deadlines. We are so immersed in this infinite sea of thoughts and feelings that we often forget how therapeutic it can be to have even a moment to dedicate to ourselves.
I know these seem like catchphrases, but I'm not a mental coach and, to be honest, I'm not even that optimistic to think that one morning is enough to forget the weight of things.  
Rather, I think that the morning has the power to alienate you, to distract you from what worries you and create a moment of suspension in which everything appears in a simpler form, even live.


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